Time to move in the kitchen! Do you know how hard it is to really target and engage deep into your chest, upper back and armpits...island arms is the answer! We all know we spend so much time in the kitchen, so we for sure can find 9 minutes to work those arms! Island Arms is the perfect go to workout while you have food in the oven, waiting for guest to arrive, or you just feel like doing something after your morning coffee. AND I PROMISE YOU THIS...you will feel this workout afterwards more than any other arm workout you try. The effects are magical in really digging deep to target your chest, back, biceps and triceps. HONEST TRUTH- I continually come back to island arms because I always feel it no matter what!
Who is ready for 9 minutes?!
Up Next in Intermediate
10 Minute Island Arms Workout - Pushu...
Let's make the kitchen island your barre! Join me in a quick 10 minute push-up arms workout you can fit in anytime, even while you're cooking dinner. Feel and embrace the burn as we flow through a fun push-up series. The further you put your feet back, the harder it is so adjust the movement to y...
10 Minute Flowing Abs
Let's flow! Join me in a continual flowing 10 Minute abs focused workout to truly bring strength to your entire core. Through fun shapes, pulses, holds, extensions and lifts, we max out or core muscles efforts, completely burning them out and building strength you instantly feel. No equipment req...
10 Minute Amrap Weighted Abs Workout
Time to set your abs on fire with this 10 Minute Amrap Abs Workout with Ankle Weights. Amrap means: as many rounds as possible- so today we have 7 core focused exercises, and your goal is to complete as many rounds of this circuit as possible in 10 minutes. I will be showing you vario...