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the quickie

16 Minute Spicy Booty


Up Next in quickie I

  • 8 Minute Plié Series

    8 MINUTES! We all have 8 minutes. No matter the kind of day we have had, no matter what gets in our way...we all have 8 minutes. The best part of this 8 minutes, is that you can quite literally TAKE THIS WORKOUT WITH YOU ANYWHERE. Whether you are watching TV, at the office, cooking dinner, pregna...

  • 10 Minute 10 Exercise Abs Workout

    Get ready for 10 MINUTES ABS! Requested by YOU- here is a 10 minute abs workout, 10 exercises total for 1 minute each. These 10 exercises are designed to build strength, stability and coordination for your core and obliques to help protect your spine and overall body. Remember to move within your...

  • 16 Minute Mobility Sculpt Flow