Give me an intense abs workout using all of the props...3, 2, 1 GO... HERE IT IS!
Join me in the ab workouts of all abs workout. They are my absolutely favorite and you know why? - because our core is the root of our entire body. It is our foundation. It is our body's stability. It is our daily functionality. It is our support system. Without core strength, daily everyday things, would be very difficult, increasing the overall chance of injury.
Do you know the benefits of working on our abs...?
- Enhanced Core Strength
- Improved Posture
- Enhanced Daily Performance
- Reduced Back Pain
- Better Balance and Stability
- Improved Functional Strength
- Boosted Metabolism
- Better Breathing
- Increased Confidence
- Injury Prevention
- Enhanced Digestion
Now go have fun with this workout. Yes it is intense, yes it is hard, BUT there are modifications throughout to help support you wherever you are on your journey. Grab all the props and go have fun getting stronger!
- Band
- Ankle weights
- 3 lbs Dumbbells
- Ball
- Sliders/cloths/socks
Need props? Shop here:
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